COVID-19 Resources for Tenants and Landlords
There have been numerous temporary changes to landlord-tenant law in Oregon and Washington as a result of the pandemic. Many of these temporary changes are expiring or being revised, which is resulting in a flood of people needing legal assistance. Landlord-tenant law is extremely technical, and we strongly suggest seeking legal counsel to better understand your rights and obligations. Everyone's economic situation is different, and we feel strongly that all people should have access to legal assistance when needed. For this reason, we have compiled the resources below and will update them, as needed.
In our experience, most landlords and tenants do not require lengthy, ongoing legal representation. In most instances, a landlord-tenant issue can be resolved by answering a few questions and providing advice for a path forward. For this reason, Martin & Richards, PLLC is offering $150 telephone consultations to tenants and landlords. Consultations include review of relevant documents and a 30-minute conversation with an attorney experienced in landlord-tenant law. Should you require ongoing representation, we will craft a scope of work suitable to your needs.
Click here to contact us to schedule an appointment.
Click here to read about changes to landlord-tenant law in Oregon that occurred prior to the pandemic.
Click here to read about changes to landlord-tenant law in Washington that occurred prior to the pandemic.
Several organizations offer free legal services to people who meet income eligibility requirements. Below is information about these organizations and links to their websites.
Legal Aid Services of Oregon
LASO has eight regional offices in Oregon and serves the low-income population in the following counties: Benton, Clackamas, Crook, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco and Wheeler.
Click here to visit the LASO website.
Oregon Law Center
OLC has nine regional offices in Oregon and serves the low-income population in the following counties: Baker, Clatsop, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas (Reedsport area), Grant, Harney, Josephine, Lane, Malheur, Marion, Multnomah, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill. Click here to visit the OLC website.
Northwest Justice Project
NWJP provides legal assistance to the low-income population in Washington. Among NWJP's services is the CLEAR legal hotline, which provides legal education, advice and referrals to qualifying persons. Click here to visit the NWJP website.
Oregon landlord-tenant law information provided by the Oregon State Bar. Includes general information and information specific to COVID-19. Suitable for both landlords and tenants. Click here.
Oregon eviction moratorium information provided by the City of Portland. Suitable for both landlords and tenants. Contains a great FAQ section. Click here.
Information regarding pandemic-related housing protections provided by Oregon Law Help. Suitable mostly for tenants. Click here.
The Community Alliance of Tenants is an Oregon organization that advocates for tenants. CAT has a hotline and a COVID-19 resource page. Click here.
Washington Law Help has a COVID-19 resource page that includes an FAQ and downloadable forms. Suitable primarily for tenants. Click here.
Pandemic-specific resources for landlords is provided by the Rental Housing Association of Washington. Click here.
Landlord-tenant law is extremely technical and the laws pertaining to pandemic-related protections are constantly changing. We encourage you to consult with an attorney to ensure that you understand your rights and obligations under the law.